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Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 16

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year II | Edition nº 16

73 pages

- MIR, the end of an era

- However ... accelerates

- Messenger: Mercury Probe

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 15

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year II | Edition nº 15

49 pages

- Radio wave emission mechanisms!

- Titan, brave new world

- Zodiacal Constellations: Cancer


Macrocosmo Magazine | Year II | Edition nº 14

62 pages

- Celestial Geometry

- 7th National Astronomy Meeting

- Zodiac constellations

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 14
Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 13

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year II | Edition nº 13

86 pages

- Astrobiology, the study of the origin and evolution of life inside and outside the planet Earth

- To Reach the Stars

- Buran Space Shuttle

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 12

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 12

73 pages

- MIR, the end of an era

- However ... accelerates

- Messenger: Mercury Probe

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 11

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 11

72 pages

- Sputnik, the metal moon, was born in the east and was red

- The Light Years

- Lunar Eclipse, October 2004

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 10

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 10

52 pages

- Russian exploration of Mars

- 30th SAB Annual Meeting

- National Week of Science and Technology

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 9

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 9

76 pages

- The observation of sunspots

- The Sun and its variations

- The name of the Stars

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 8

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 8

94 pages

- Flying on the wings of the imagination

- Observe, observe, Always observe!

- The persevered

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 7

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 7

66 pages

- Astrometry, measuring stellar distances

- The Ozone layer

- Dialogue between Bellatrix and Betageuse

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 6

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 6

65 pages

- Sobral, where the light bowed before Einstein

- The brightest comets of 2004

- Sedna, our new neighbor

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 5

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 5

80 pages

- The mystery of the Big Bang

- Cosmic apocalypses

- Astrolabes

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 4

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 4

89 pages

- Venus Transit 2004

- George Marcgrave

- The Light and its Mysteries

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 3

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 3

61 pages

- Superluminal travel, alternatives to hyper-fast interstellar travel

- Live and die in space

- Through Hubble's eyes

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 2
Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 1

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 1

55 pages

- Radio astronomy, the science of the invisible

- How to discover a supernova

- Russian rockets

Macrocosmo Magazine Nº 17

Macrocosmo Magazine | Year I | Edition nº 17

80 pages

- Elementary Astrophysics, the “Anatomy” of the Stars

- Project: Rural Tourism

- The error of the Seasons

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